Repair Services


Bring your gear to our Omaha or Lincoln location

Give your equipment a longer life. Bring your digital or film camera into one our locations and our experts will diagnose the problem for you, provide repair services, and keep your equipment working smoothly so you can capture your next great image.

Get a same-day repair quote on camera bodies and interchangeable lenses.

Minor Repairs

Our specialists will get your equipment back into action fast. We perform a variety of small repairs in-house, including free lens filter removal with the purchase of a new filter and focusing screen replacement. We'll asses the severity of the problem and the parts available to provide you with excellent service every time you stop by.

Note: Some repairs on film cameras may be limited due to the availability of parts.


Manufacturer or Authorized Repair Center Services

If the repair requires extensive work from a Authorized Repair Center or Manufacturer, we'll take care of it all for you. Our staff will communicate with the right people and handle the shipping. We'll package your photography equipment correctly to ensure no further damage happens. Our team will then notify you when the camera or lens is ready to be picked up.

Free shipping if your equipment is under warranty and was purchased at Rockbrook Camera.