Want to Spice Up Your Halloween Photographs? Try Going All Out!

Want to Spice Up Your Halloween Photographs? Try Going All Out!

Words and Photos by Jerred Zegelis and Casey Kurz

Years ago we had an idea. We loved the fall season and Halloween even more. So we decided to have fun with our son and dress him up in multiple costumes every year to do a full photo shoot around each costume. 

The ideas ranged from traditional ones (like the ghost from this post's cover image) to specifics like Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Captain Kirk and many more. 

We did dozens of them, and each one was so much fun to pull off, but it took some work! 

Our best advice is this: have fun and find cool locations that let your kid run around and act wild and crazy. That's how we got most of the shots!

For this shot of Luke Skywalker and Yoda on Degobah, we just visited Fontenelle Forest and helped Logan do a handstand... then Photoshopped Yoda on his feet later:

Another example, this one of Superman, uses the telephone booth by Spaghetti Works in the Old Market. We just used a series of three photos to tell the story of Clark Kent transforming into Superman: 


Another time we used a location at Skinny Bones Pumpkin Patch that included a big moon for our E.T. photo shoot: 

And one of our favorite shoots of all was a "Day in the Life of Darth Vader:" We storyboarded what his day might be like, with locations that ranged from our bathroom to Starbucks:


The point is this: get creative. Have some fun, and let your imagination run wild. Just make sure to get extra batteries and plenty of room on your memory cards - you might end up taking more photos than you think!

For more information about local photographer, Jerred Zegelis and to see his work, visit his website - https://jerredz.com/about/

Take a class with us at Rockbrook Camera EDU, check out our class calendar!

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