Local Outdoor Photography Spots | Omaha and Lincoln


Local Outdoor Photography Spots | Omaha and Lincoln

Here at Rockbrook Camera, we often get asked where the best places to take pictures in the Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska area are. With our sales team's help, who happen to be active photographers, we've curated a list of some of our favorite spots!

Why you need a protective filter for your camera lens

There's so much more to a protective lens filter than its name: "protective." Whether you're using a protective filter strictly for protection or for UV glare--filters have many unrealized benefits.

5 Travel Photography Ideas Across Nebraska

It's that time of the year! Load up the car with way too many snacks, coolers, hand-held video game consoles for the kids and more. This summer as you and the family hit the road to see the sights, remember to bring a camera (or two)!

Rental Package Giveaway with Studio 8 and Rockbrook Camera

We're excited to announce that we're teaming up with Studio 8 Lincoln and Studio 8 Omaha for an exciting giveaway July 16th - 28th! OMAHA WINNER: IAN HOCHWENDER LINCOLN WINNER: CAROL WELKER   Rental Package Giveway Each winner will get this package worth over $300!   90-Minute Studio Rental from...